Finding Games for Children to Play
Mr. Gym is a website created in 2004 by a teacher for other teachers as well as those who are interested in forming group activities. The purpose of the website is not just to serve as an information base for others to view but also to allow other teachers to give their input on activities and add more games to the website. It is continuously growing and acting as a great resource for physical educators. If you have found or created a game that you believe should be shared with others, you are able to contact the site and have it put on for others too see. For those of you who are interested in using this site, it is very well-designed to be user friendly. Games are located on the left hand side of the screen and are grouped into different types. There are also categories by grade which can be useful if you are working with a specific age group. The games introduced are very fun looking activities and include descriptions as well as the age group they are geared for. Overall, this site is useful for those physical education instructors who are looking to organize a fun game for children.
PE Central is a more professional site than the previous. It is not created by one teacher but in fact a board of managing editors and advisers with experience in game creation. It is not as user friendly but it sets itself apart from other physical education web sites by stating on games how to adapt the game if you are working with children who may have a disability. I think it is a great way for teachers to find games where everyone may be included no matter the circumstance. There is also a larger list of games in comparison to other cites. PE central is not only a site containing lesson plans for physical education classes but also ways of assessment adaptation ideas, class management, and an online shopping link to buy equipment that may be needed.
Fun-Attic is a unique website. It has games that are not commonly played as well as original equipment that has an icon next to each item that is able to be used by disabled children. they are very customer-orientated and post emails with comments/concerns regarding their website. They are geared towards creating a fun and interactive gaming environment for children. Instead of their readers being mainly PE teachers, they are also trying to get parents interested and involved as well as the children. They have an interesting idea in order to keep people coming back to their site by creating a "game of the month" for educators or parents to check out!
Great websites!!