Sunday, 11 November 2012

How is Your Accuracy?

Target Accuracy

     Within target games there are tactical problems such as force, predictability, control, and accuracy. I will be addressing accuracy for it is one of the biggest difficulties for children in order to be able to obtain their goal. A great way of teaching children the skills they need in order to succeed without creating drills, you can use the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGFU) model. This allows you to play mini games that will teach them the skills they need and build them up in order to be able to fully understand the concept and play the game. 

Games you can use to show children accuracy include:

equipment needed: bean bags and 8 hula hoops (more or less depending on difficulty level) 

set up 
put 4 hula hoops at each end and spread the bean bags throughout the gym
     Two people will be designated as the taggers and the rest will be in play and divided into two teams (using pinnies). The point of the game is to be able to pick up a bean bag (only one at a time) and run through the playing field, throwing the bean bag into one of the hoops. The players will not be allowed to go beyond the yellow line (or whichever line on the gym floor that you choose)to throw OR to retrieve bean bags. If you are tagged you must drop the bean bag and stand with your legs open, other players must run between the legs in order for the other player to be back in the game. The game ends when all the bean bags are on the other side of the line. The winner will be the team with the most amount of bean bags that actually landed inside of the hula hoops.

equipment needed: 14-20 bowling pins, and 10-20 soft balls (both depend on the number of players)

set up:
line pins up on each side of the gymnasium. 

      The players will be divided into two teams and neither will be allowed to cross the center line. The goal is to use the balls to hit down the pins that are lined up behind the opposing team. The balls CANNOT be thrown, they can only be rolled. Players must also be defensive and dodge the balls coming towards them, if they are hit they will be out of the game however, if they have a ball in hand, they can use that ball to deflect other balls coming at them. Once all the opposing team's pins are down, that team is declared the winner! 


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